Centre of Bioclimatology – University of Florence, Italy
The Centre of Bioclimatology (CIBIC) of the University of Florence has the aim to promote, coordinate, organize and support the multidisciplinary research activity in the field of Bioclimatology. CIBIC gained long-standing experience in the field of weather-related human health, with particular attention to the effects of air temperature changes (both high and low temperatures) on vulnerable groups and specific pathologies and cardiovascular risk factors (i.e. blood pressure). Since many years CIBIC has developed and applied a biometeorological forecast chain in Tuscany (Italy) to prevent the effect of heat on elderly people. In particular, a specific heat-health warning system was developed and a specific daily bulletin is sent to healthcare workers promoting public health activities.
CIBIC will lead WP5, aimed to the development of an online open access service to help industry and society, anticipate threats to workers’ health and to disseminate adaptation guidelines. Contribution will also be given to the review of the main biometeorological indices already used for occupational purposes and with a potential for implementation in an occupational.
Website – http://www.unifi.it/
The National Research Council (CNR) is the largest public research organization in Italy; its duty is to carry out, promote, spread, transfer and improve research activities in the main sectors of knowledge growth and of its applications for the scientific, technological, economic and social development. The Institute of Biometeorology (IBIMET) is engaged in a wide spectrum of research activities in basic and applied meteorology, climatology, remote sensing for ecosystem analysis, modelling the meteo-climatic impact on the health (environmental modelling), data management for operational purposes during weather/climate emergencies and land use managements.
IBIMET will be involved several actions of the Heat-Shield Project:
· Development of a prototype for a pre-operational warning system.
· Design of a case study addressed to investigate the impact of heat stress in workers involved in the tourism sector.
· Development of occupational heat-wave vulnerability mapping.
· By using the experience of IBIMET in environmental data management and application of weather forecast models, the Institute will contribute in developing the prototype of heat warning system for workers.
· IBIMET will be involved in dissemination activities during the project. (7 person/months).
The activities carried out by the third party will be held at the Institute of Biometeorology of the National research Council.