Scientific Articles
Research Paper (2021)
Foster, J., Smallcombe, J. W., Hodder, S., Jay, O., Flouris, A. D., & Havenith, G.
"Quantifying the impact of heat on human physical work capacity; part II: the observed interaction of air velocity with temperature, humidity, sweat rate, and clothing is not captured by most heat stress indices. International journal of biometeorology". Int J Biometeorol. 2021 Nov 06.
Research Paper (2021)
Josh Foster, James W Smallcombe, Simon Hodder, Ollie Jay, Andreas D Flouris, Lars Nybo, George Havenith.
"Quantifying the impact of heat on human physical work capacity; part III: the impact of solar radiation varies with air temperature, humidity, and clothing coverage". Int J Biometeorol. 2021 Oct 28
Research Paper (2021)
Nathan B. Morris, Jacob F. Piil, Lasse Christiansen, Andreas D. Flouris & Lars Nybo.
"Prolonged facemask use in the heat worsens dyspnea without compromising motor-cognitive performance".
Temperature (Austin). 2020 Oct 9;8(2):160-165.
Research Paper (2021)
David García-León, Ana Casanueva, Gabriele Standardi, Annkatrin Burgstall, Andreas D. Flouris & Lars Nybo.
"Current and projected regional economic impacts of heatwaves in Europe".
Nat Commun. 2021 Oct 4;12(1):5807.
Research Paper (2021)
Hein Daanen, Stephan Bose-O’Reilly, Matt Brearley, D Andreas Flouris, Nicola M Gerrett, Maud Huynen, Hunter M Jones, Jason Kai Wei Lee, Nathan Morris, Ian Norton, Lars Nybo, Elspeth Oppermann, Joy Shumake-Guillemot, Peter Van den Hazel.
"COVID-19 and thermoregulation-related problems: Practical recommendations". Temperature (Austin). 2020 Aug 6;8(1):1-11.
Research Paper (2021)
Joshi A, Psikuta A, Bueno MA, Annaheim S, Rossi RM (2021).
"Effect of movement on convection and ventilation in a skin-clothing-environment system". International Journal of Thermal Sciences. Volume 166, August 2021, 106965 .
Research Paper (2021)
Foster J, Smallcombe JW, Hodder S, Jay O, Flouris AD, Morris NB, Nybo L, Havenith G.
"Aerobic fitness as a parameter of importance for labour loss in the heat" Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. Volume 24, Issue 8, August 2021, Pages 824-830.
Research Paper (2021)
Nathan B Morris , Jacob F Piil, Marco Morabito, Alessandro Messeri, Miriam Levi, Leonidas G Ioannou, Ursa Ciuha, Tjaša Pogačar, Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, Boris Kingma, Ana Casanueva, Sven Kotlarski, Christoph Spirig, Josh Foster, George Havenith, Tiago Sotto Mayor, Andreas D Flouris, Lars Nybo.
"The HEAT-SHIELD project - Perspectives from an inter-sectoral approach to occupational heat stress".
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. Volume 24, Issue 8, August 2021, Pages 747-755
Research Paper (2021)
Jacob Feder Piil, Boris Kingma, Nathan B. Morris, Lasse Christiansen, Leonidas G. Ioannou, Andreas D. Flouris & Lars Nybo.
"Proposed framework for forecasting heat-effects on motor-cognitive performance in the Summer Olympics".
Temperature (Austin). 2021 Aug 20;8(3):262-283.
Research Paper (2021)
Leonidas G. Ioannou, Lydia Tsoutsoubi, Konstantinos Mantzios,Giorgos Gkikas, Jacob F. Piil, Petros C. Dinas, Sean R. Notley, Glen P. Kenny, Lars Nybo, Andreas D. Flouris
"The impacts of sun exposure on worker physiology and cognition: multi-country evidence and interventions"
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Jul 20;18(14):7698.
Research Paper (2021)
Nathan B. Morris, Miriam Levi, Marco Morabito, Alessandro Messeri, Leonidas G. Ioannou, Andreas D. Flouris, George Samoutis, Tjaša Pogačar, Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, Jacob F. Piil & Lars Nybo.
"Health vs. wealth: Employer, employee and policymaker perspectives on occupational heat stress across multiple European industries". Temperature (Austin). 2020 Dec 14;8(3):284-301.
Research Paper (2021)
Onarheim K.H., Phua K.H., Babar Z.R., Flouris A.D., Hargreaves S. (2021). Health and social needs of migrant construction workers for big international sporting events. British Medical Journal; 374: n1591.
Research Paper (2021)
Flouris A.D., Babar Z.R., Ioannou L.G., Onarheim K.H., Phua K.H., Hargreaves S. (2021).
"Improving the evidence on health inequities in migrant construction workers preparing for big sporting events". British Medical Journal; 374: n1615. IF: 30.223.
Research Paper (2021)
João P Vale, Pedro G Alves, Soraia F Neves, Lars Nybo, Andreas D Flouris, Tiago S Mayor.
"Analysis of the dynamic air conditioning loads, fuel consumption and emissions of heavy-duty trucks with different glazing and paint optical properties". International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. Published online: 05 Sep 2021.
Research Paper (2021)
Leonidas G. Ioannou, Konstantinos Mantzios, Lydia Tsoutsoubi, Eleni Nintou, Maria Vliora, Paraskevi Gkiata, Constantinos N. Dallas, Giorgos Gkikas, Gerasimos Agaliotis, Kostas Sfakianakis, Areti K. Kapnia, Davide J. Testa, Tânia Amorim, Petros C. Dinas, Tiago S. Mayor, Chuansi Gao, Lars Nybo, and Andreas D. Flouris.
"Occupational Heat Stress: Multi-Country Observations and Interventions". Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Jun 10;18(12):6303.
Research Paper (2021)
Xu JX, Psikuta A, Li J, Annaheim S, Rossi RM (2021)
"Evaluation of the convective heat transfer coefficient of human body and its effect on the human thermoregulation predictions". Building and Environment. Volume 196, June 2021, 107778
Research Paper (2021)
Leonidas G. Ioannou, Konstantinos Mantzios. Lydia Tsoutsoubi, Zoe Panagiotaki, Areti K. Kapnia, Ursa Ciuha, Lars Nybo, Andreas D. Flouris, and Igor B. Mekjavic.
"Effect of a Simulated Heat Wave on Physiological Strain and Labour Productivity" Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18(6), 3011; Published: 15 March 2021
Research Paper (2021)
Foster, Josh, James W. Smallcombe, Simon Hodder, Ollie Jay, Andreas D. Flouris, Lars Nybo, and George Havenith. "An advanced empirical model for quantifying the impact of heat and climate change on human physical work capacity." International journal of biometeorology. Published: 05 March 2021.
Research Paper (2021)
Foster, J., Lloyd, A.B. & Havenith, G., (2021)
"Non-contact infrared assessment of human body temperature: The journal Temperature toolbox".
Temperature (Austin). 2021 Apr 26;8(4):306-319.
DOI: 10.1080/23328940.2021.1899546
Research Paper (2021)
Xu JX, Psikuta A, Li J, Annaheim S, Rossi RM (2021)
"A numerical investigation of the influence of wind on convective heat transfer from the human body in a ventilated room". Building and Environment. Volume 188, 15 January 2021, 107427.
Research Paper (2020)
Foster J, Hodder S, Goodwin J, Havenith G. (2020)
"Occupational heat stress and practical cooling solutions for healthcare and industry workers during the COVID-19 pandemic". Annals of Work Exposures and Health, Volume 64, Issue 9, November 2020, Pages 915–922.
Published 21 September 2020
Research Paper (2020)
Foster J, Hodder S, Lloyd A, Havenith G. (2020)
"Individual responses to heat stress: Implications for human health and labour capacity". Frontiers in Physiology: Aviation, Space, and Environmental Physiology. 2020 Sep 11. VOL 11, Page 1147,
Research Paper (2020)
Nathan B. Morris, Miriam Levi, Marco Morabito, Alessandro Messeri, Leonidas G. Ioannou, Andreas D. Flouris, George Samoutis, Tjaša Pogačar, Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, Jacob F. Piil & Lars Nybo.
"Health vs. wealth: Employer, employee and policy-maker perspectives on occupational heat stress across multiple European industries. Temperature
Research Paper (2020)
Nathan B. Morris, Ollie Jay, Andreas D. Flouris, Ana Casanueva, Chuansi Gao, Josh Foster, George Havenith, Lars Nybo.
"Sustainable solutions to mitigate occupational heat strain–an umbrella review of physiological effects and global health perspectives". Environ Health. 2020 Sep 4;19(1):95.
Research Paper (2020)
Boris R.M. Kingma, Linsey M.M. Roijendijk, Leendert Van Maanen, Hedderik Van Rijn & Maurice H.P.H. Van Beurden.
"Time perception and timed decision task performance during passive heat stress". Temperature
Research Paper (2020)
Marcel Schweiker, MaíraAndré, Farah Al-Atrash, Hanan Al-Khatri, Rea Risky Alprianti, Hayder Alsaad, Rucha Amin, Eleni Ampatzi, Alpha Yacob Arsano, Elie Azar, Bahareh Bannazadeh, Amina Batagarawa, Susanne Becker, Carolina Buonocore, Bin Cao, Joon-Ho Choi, Chungyoon Chun, Hein Daanen,…ZahraSadat Zomorodian. Evaluating assumptions of scales for subjective assessment of thermal environments – Do laypersons perceive them the way, we researchers believe?
Research Paper (2020)
Marcel Schweiker, Amar Abdul-Zahra, […] Zahra Sadat Zomorodian. The Scales Project, a cross-national dataset on the interpretation of thermal perception scales.
Research Paper (2020)
Tjaša Pogačar, Zala Znidaršič, Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, Zalika Črepinšek. Steps Towards Comprehensive Heat Communicationin the Frame of a Heat Health Warning Systemin Slovenia. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health
Research Paper (2020)
Ana Casanueva, Sven Kotlarski, Andreas M. Fischer, Andreas D. Flouris, Tord Kjellstrom, Bruno Lemke, Lars Nybo, Cornelia Schwierz, Mark A. Liniger.
"Escalating environmental summer heat exposure—a future threat for the European workforce". Regional Environmental Change. Published: 23 March 2020.
Research Paper (2020)
Marco Morabito, Alessandro Messeri, Alfonso Crisci, Lorenza Pratali, Michela Bonafede, Alessandro Marinaccio, on behalf of WORKLIMATE Collaborative Group.
"Heat warning and public and workers' health at the time of COVID-19 pandemic". Elsevier
Research Paper (2020)
Jacob F. Piil, Lasse Christiansen, Nathan B. Morris, C. Jacob Mikkelsen, Leonidas G. Ioannou, Andreas D. Flouris, Jesper Lundbye-Jensen, Lars Nybo.
"Direct exposure of the head to solar heat radiation impairs motor-cognitive performance". Scientific Reports. Published: 08 May 2020
Research Paper (2020)
Fojtlin M, Psikuta A, Fiser J, Pokorny J, Toma R, Annaheim S, Jicha M, Rossi RM (2020) Thermal model of an unconditioned, heated and ventilated seat to predict human thermo-physiological response and local thermal sensation. Building and Environment 169.
Research Paper (2020)
Marco Morabito, Alessandro Messeri, Alfonso Crisci, Junzhe Bao, Rui Ma, Simone Orlandini, Cunrui
Huang and Tord Kjellstrom. Heat-related productivity loss: benefits derived by working in the shade or work-time shifting. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
Research Paper (2019)
Xu JX, Psikuta A, Li J, Annaheim S, Rossi RM (2019) Influence of human body geometry, posture and the surrounding environment on body heat loss based on a validated numerical model. Building and Environment 166.
Research Paper (2019)
Joshi A, Psikuta A, Bueno MA, Annaheim S, Rossi RM (2019) Analytical clothing model for sensible heat transfer considering spatial heterogeneity. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 145.
Research Paper (2019)
Annkatrin Burgstall, Ana Casanueva, Sven Kotlarski, Cornelia Schwierz. Heat Warnings in Switzerland: Reassessing the Choice of the Current Heat Stress Index.
Research Paper (2019)
Ana Casanueva, Sven Kotlarski, Sixto Herrera, Andreas M. Fischer, Tord Kjellstrom, Cornelia Schwierz.
Climate projections of a multivariate heat stress index: the role of downscaling and bias correction.
Research Paper (2019)
Marco Morabito, Alessandro Messeri, Pascal Noti, Ana Casanueva, Alfonso Crisci, Sven Kotlarski, Simone Orlandini, Cornelia Schwierz, Christoph Spirig, Boris R.M. Kingma, Andreas D. Flouris, Lars Nybo. An Occupational Heat–Health Warning System for Europe: The HEAT-SHIELD Platform. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 2890;
Research Paper (2019)
Nicola Gerrett, Boris R M Kingma, Robert Sluijter, Hein A M Daanen. Ambient Conditions Prior to Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games: Considerations for Acclimation or Acclimatization Strategies.
Research Paper (2019)
Urša Ciuha, Tjaša Pogačar, Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, Mitja Gliha, Lars Nybo, Andreas D. Flouris, Igor B. Mekjavic Interaction between Indoor Occupational Heat Stress and Environmental Temperature Elevations during Heat Waves. Journals Online AMS 100 2019,
DOI: 10.1175/WCAS-D-19-0024.1 2019 American Meteorological Society.
Research Paper (2019)
Ana Casanueva, Annkatrin Burgstall, Sven Kotlarski, Alessandro Messeri, Marco Morabito, Andreas D. Flouris, Lars Nybo, Christoph Spirig and Cornelia Schwierz. Overview of Existing Heat-Health Warning Systems in Europe. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16(15), 2657;
Research Paper (2019)
Fojtlin M, Psikuta A, Fiser J, Toma R, Annaheim S, Jicha M (2019) Local clothing properties for thermo-physiological modelling: Comparison of methods and body positions. Building and Environment 155:376-388.
Research Paper (2019)
Masanotti G., Bartalini M., Fattorini A., Cerrano A., Messeri A., Morabito M., Iacopini S., 2019.
Work in Harsh Hot Environment: Risk Evaluation on Thermal Stress in a Farm during Green Pruning Activity. Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research, ISSN 2574-1241.
Research Paper (2019)
Messeri A., Morabito M., Bonafede M., Bugani M., Levi M., Baldasseroni A., Binazzi A., Gozzini B., Orlandini S., Nybo L., Marinaccio A., 2019. Heat-stress-perception among native and migrant workers in Italian industries: case studies from construction and agricoltural sectors. Special Issue International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Research Paper (2019)
Gao C, Kuklane K, Ostergren P-O, Kjellstrom T. Occupational heat stress assessment and protective strategies in the context of climate change. Int J Biometeorology
Research Paper (2019)
Gao C, Kuklane K, Ostergren P-O, Kjellstrom T. Surveillance of work environment and heat stress assessment using meteorological data. Int J Biometeorology
Research Paper (2019)
Jacob F. Piil, Chris J. Mikkelsen, Nicklas Junge, Nathan B. Morris and Lars Nybo (2019). Heat Acclimation Does Not Protect Trained Males from Hyperthermia-Induced Impairments in Complex Task Performance
Research Paper (2019)
Tjasa Pogacar, Zala Znidarsic, Lucka Kajfez Bogataj, Andreas D. Flouris, Konstantina Poulianiti and Zalika Crepinsek (2019). HeatWaves Occurrence and Outdoor Workers’ Self-assessment of Heat Stress in Slovenia and Greece
Research Paper (2019)
Alessandra Binazzi, Miriam Levi, Michela Bonafede, Marcella Bugani, Alessandro Messeri, Marco Morabito, Alessandro Marinaccio, Alberto Baldasseroni (2018) Evaluation of the impact of heat stress on the occurrence of occupational injuries: Meta-analysis of observational studies. American Journal of Industrial Medicine.
Research Paper (2018)
Kjellstrom T, Freyberg, C, Lemke B, Otto M, Briggs D. Estimating population heat exposure and impacts on working people in conjunction with climate change. Int J Biometeorology
Research Paper (2018)
Fojtlin M, Psikuta A, Toma R, Fiser J, Jicha M (2018) Determination of car seat contact area for personalised thermal sensation modelling. Plos One 13 (12).
Research Paper (2018)
Levi M, Kjellstrom T, Baldasseroni A. Impact of climate change on occupational health and productivity: a systematic literature review focusing on workplace heat. Med del Lavoro
Research Paper (2018)
Flouris AD, Dinas PC, Iannou LG, Nybo L, Havenith G, Kenny GP, Kjellstrom T. Workers’ health and productivity under occupational heat strain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Planetary Health
Research Paper (2018)
Andrews O, Le Quere C, Kjellstrom T, Lemke B, Haines A. Populations exposed to extreme heat under climate change: implications for workability and survivability. Lancet Planetary Health
Research Paper (2018)
Casanueva A, Kotlarski S, Fischer A, Schwierz C, Lemke B, Kjellstrom T, Liniger MA. European heat stress to reach critical levels under climate change conditions. Geophysical research abstracts
Research Paper (2018)
Andreas D Flouris, Petros C Dinas, Leonidas G Ioannou, Lars Nybo, George Havenith, Glen P Kenny, Tord Kjellstrom (2018) Workers’ health and productivity under occupational heat strain: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Lancet Planetary Health
Research Paper (2018)
Jacob F. PiilID, Jesper Lundbye-Jensen , Lasse Christiansen, Leonidas Ioannou, Lydia Tsoutsoubi, Constantinos N. Dallas, Konstantinos Mantzios, Andreas D. Flouris, Lars Nybo (2018) High prevalence of hypohydration in occupations with heat stress—Perspectives for performance in combined cognitive and motor tasks. Plos One
Research Paper (2018)
Konstantina P. Poulianiti, George Havenith, Andreas D. Flouris (2018): Metabolic energy cost of workers in agriculture, construction, manufacturing, tourism and transportation industries. Industrial Health
Research Paper (2018)
Tjaša Pogačar, Ana Casanueva, Katja Kozjek, Urša Ciuha, Igor B. Mekjavic, Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, Zalika Črepinšek (2018): The effect of hot days on occupational heat stress in the manufacturing industry: implications for workers’ well-being and productivity. Int J Biometeorol
Research Paper (2018)
Leonidas G Ioannou, Lydia Tsoutsoubi, Tânia Amorim, George Samoutis, Andreas D Flouris (2018): Links between Night-Time Thermoneutral Zone and Mortality from Circulatory Causes in the Elderly Populaton of Cyprus.
IJ Geriatr Med Gerontol
Research Paper (2017)
Tord Kjellstrom, Chris Freyberg, Bruno Lemke, Matthias Otto, David Briggs (2017): Estimating population heat exposure and impacts on working people in conjunction with climate change. Int J Biometeorol
Research Paper (2017)
Pogacar Tjasa, Kajfez Bogataj Lucka (2017): The Heat Load of Slovenian Workers. UJMA
Research Paper (2017)
Pogacar Tjasa, Crepinsek Zalika, Kajfez Bogataj Lucka, Nybo Lars (2017): Comprehension of climatic and occupational heat stress amongst agricultural advisers and workers in Slovenia. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica
Research Paper (2017)
Daanen A.M. Hein, Racinais Sebastien, Périard D. Julien: Heat Acclimation Decay and Re-Induction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sports Med
Research Paper (2017)
Jacob F. Piil, Jesper Lundbye-Jensen, Steven J. Trangmar & Lars Nybo (2017): Performance in complex motor tasks deteriorates in hyperthermic humans. Temperature
Editorial (2017)
Lars Nybo, Tord Kjellstrom, Lucka Kajfez Bogataj & Andreas D. Flouris (2017): Global heating: Attention is not enough; we need acute and appropriate actions. Temperature
Research Paper (2017)
Marco Morabito, Alfonso Crisci, Alessandro Messeri, Gianni Messeri, Giulio Betti, Simone Orlandini, Antonio Raschi and Giampiero Maracchi (2017): Increasing Heatwave Hazards in the Southeastern European Union Capitals Atmosphere
Research Paper (2017)
Leonidas G. Ioannou, Lydia Tsoutsoubi, George Samoutis, Lucka Kajfez Bogataj, Glen P. Kenny, Lars Nybo , Tord Kjellstrom & Andreas D. Flouris (2017): Time-motion analysis as a novel approach for evaluating the impact of environmental heat exposure on labor loss in agriculture workers. Temperature
Research Paper (2016)
Nicklas Junge, Rasmus Jørgensen, Andreas D. Flouris & Lars Nybo (2016): Prolonged self-paced exercise in the heat – Environmental factors affecting performance. Temperature