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Tuscany Centre of Injuries & Occupational Diseases, Italy

LHTC (Local  Health Unit Tuscany Centre)  is a  new health unit  born on 1 January 2016  from a merger of four previous Tuscan local health unit settled in Firenze, Prato, Empoli e Pistoia.

With this goal, LHTC takes care of 1 million and half people’s health, which lives in 75 different municipalities. LHTC will do this with 14.700 employees, which 2700 of them are health professionals and 7000 of them are nurses, technicians and health workers.

At the end the 4 ex Local Health Unit bring a dowry to the new wider one (LHTC): 13 hospitals and more than 220 local structures plus 16 private hospitals part of the regional run health care system.

As a partner in HEAT-SHIELD, CeRIMP is a department of LHTC, devoted to H&S at work statistics, evidence based occupational health interventions, partnership in prevention programs at workplace. So CeRIMP will be mainly involved in WP7 (Dissemination and exploitation of the results), and in WP4 (Formulation of heat impact prevention guidelines to promote health and support productivity of workers, in close collaboration with stakeholders from strategic industries) and WP5 (Development of an online access service to help industry and society anticipate threats to workers’ health and to disseminate adaptation guidelines) with a minor role.


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