Lund University, Sweden
Lund University funded in 1666 is a research intensive university with over 2 400 active researchers and ranked as one of the top 100 in the world. There are 41 000 students and 7 500 employees including 800 professors. The University has a significant experience from EU Research and has participated in over 1 000 projects over the years.
Associate professor Chuansi Gao is employed at the Department of Design Science and working at the Thermal Environment Laboratory, Division of Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology. Dr Gao has been working on the effects of thermal climate factors on health, comfort and performance, and on the development of personal cooling strategies to alleviate heat stress through thermal physiological and thermal manikin approaches.
In the HEAT-SHIELD project, he participates in WP3, Task T3.5 focusing on the needs of the agriculture workers to provide knowledge and testing capacity on thermal performance of clothing systems (e.g. smart clothing solutions). He participates also in WP4 and WP7.
Website: http://www.lunduniversity.lu.se